Donate To Care For Others
Most of us can remember a time in our lives when a helping hand from a friend, parent, or mentor bridged the gap between hope and despair. Your donation to Care for Others allows us to make a difference in the lives of others who need the same kind of help. We depend on the generosity and concern of people like you to help others-who, after all, are just like us. Thank you for reaching into your heart and choosing to help others who need a temporary hand to keep them on the path of self-sufficiency.
Your donation to Care for Others is used to help hard-working Americans like yourself get through a temporary set-back. Helping Hands Grants are used to pay everything from utility and medical bills, to auto repairs, educational certifications, therapeutic devices and equipment, and home repairs and modifications for the disabled. Each recipient must submit a Helping Hands Grant application and verify their need in order to be considered. We take great care to ensure that all recipients are genuinely in need, and on the path back to self-sufficiency.
Thank you for your kindness, it really is contagious.
You can contribute to Care for Others by sending a check made payable to Care for Others at:
Care for Others
P.O. Box 605
Newbury, Ohio 44065
Donate Online With Our PayPal Form
Enter the amount you'd like to donate in the field below and click donate. We use PayPal to process your donation. You don't need a PayPal account and can simply pay with a credit card at PayPal.
Donations - Frequently Asked Questions
Is my donation to Care for Others tax deductible?
Yes, Care for Others is a registered 501(c)3 charitable foundation. All donations to Care for Others are fully tax deductible.
Will I receive a receipt for my tax deductible donation to Care for Others?
Yes, all donors to Care for Others receive an electronic receipt, sent via email, when we have processed your donation. If you do not receive a receipt, please contact us at
How are donations to Care for Others used?
All donations to Care for Others are used to fund our Helping Hands Grants. Recipients of Care for Others' grants receive not more than $1,000 on a one-time basis, to pay creditors for regularly scheduled bills, medical costs, educational certifications, automotive repairs, or to accommodate home repairs or adaptations for the disabled.
How can I make a donation to Care for Others?
You can contribute to Care for Others by making an online donation using the form above, or by sending a check made payable to Care for Others at:
Care for Others
P.O. Box 605
Newbury, Ohio 44065
How can I obtain a complete description of Care for Others and its mission?
Please visit our About section for a complete profile of Care for Others. We want our donors and friends to be proud of how we use the monies you so generously contribute.