2012 Grant Recipients
Below are the latest recipients for the Care For Other Helping Hand Grants. Previous years grant recipients can be viewed by selecting the year from the link to the left.
June 2012 - Helping Hands Grant Recipients
R.U. Odenton,MD
Single Mom on permanent diability because of a chronic illness experienced a sudden stop in child support. While she could afford to pay her rent she could not manage other bills. Working with a budget counselor she was able to negotiate and obtain section 8 housing which would enable her to manage all of her bills. However, she was not able to come up with the total security deposit necessary for the move. We assisted with the security deposit.
W.K., Gates Mills, OH
Single Dad on permanent disability needed emergency dental work that Medicare would not pay for. Living paycheck to paycheck he could not afford the out of pocket expense for the much needed dental work. After investigating clinics, which still wanted payments at the time of service and would not work with Care For Others he was referred to one of our partners, Dr. Nancy Arndt, DDS. Working together Care For Others covered the cost of his initial dental work.
C.D. Middlefield, OH
Single working woman barely surviving financially working for temp agencies over the last year while looking for a full time work finally got a permanent full time job. During this time she sold possessions and depleted her savings to make ends meet. With the new pay schedule being 2 weeks into the month she will not be able to pay this month’s rent. We assisted with one rent payment.
B.K. Chagrin Falls, OH
Working couple that experienced financial hardship when he was laid off earlier in the year. Even though she was working full time she was eventually not able to keep up with all of their financial commitments. Now that he is back to work full time they are playing catch up on past due bills. Having received a shut off notice for their electric service they asked Care For Others to help them with a one-time payment to avoid shut off. We assisted with this payment.
K.O. Willoughby Hills, OH
Single working Mom with 2 children was awarded custody of a troubled nephew after his mother was sent to jail. Unexpected counseling visits and Dr. appointments over the last two months did not allow her to do the amount of contract work she normally did to support her family. At the same time her mother became very ill and she had to care for her. Now that her mother is in a nursing home and things have settled down with her nephew she is able to start a full time permanent job and give up her contract work. Realizing she cannot afford to pay her current rent with her new circumstances she applied to Care For Others for help with a security deposit to get into a new rental. We assisted with this one time payment.
T.B., Willoughby, OH
Couple with 4 children moved from the West Coast for employment. However prior to their scheduled move date they were notified of a death of a close family member. Hurriedly they put all of their belongings in storage and drove cross-country to make the funeral. He is now working and they are in a new place, but everything they owned was in storage. The only way they could afford to make the trip back to the west coast, the storage fee they had to pay to get their belongings and the truck rental to carry their things was to use his two-week paycheck. That left them no money for rent for the month. Care For Others made the rent payment for them.
May 2012 - Helping Hands Grant Recipients
T.L Wilmington,NC
Single mother of two teenage daughters living on a fixed income and dealing with a second bout of breast cancer lived in fear of her car being repossessed. Missing one car payment because of an unexpected medical expense she began to experience badgering phone calls from the collection agency. We stepped in and got her car payments current so she could continue her treatment and not worry about losing her only means of transportation.
T.B. Bedford Hts., OH
Single working mother of 3 experienced a 2 month unpaid medical leave as the result of emergency surgery and complications. Currently back to work she faced eviction because she was behind 2 months in her rent. Now working with a budget counselor to get back on track and working as many overtime hours as possible this applicant met all our eligibility requirements and proved herself worthy of a Helping Hands Grant to avoid eviction.
T.R. University Hts, OH
Single working woman living pay check to pay check had an emergency car repair that required both her monthly paychecks. As a result of the repair and the way her pay cycle fell she did not have money to pay her rent on time. Needing her car so she could keep her job it was the choice she felt she had to make. We were able to help her with one month rent so she could keep her job and maintain her self sufficiency.
April 2012 - Helping Hand Grant Receipients
R.R., Struthers, OH
Working family still trying to get back on their feet after an employment layoff was in need of assistance to fund diagnostic and assessment testing for a child suspected of having Asperger’s Syndrome. After the arrangements were all made their insurance company notified them that the testing would not be covered. The tests/diagnosis were necessary to access programs for their child and get him in school. Working with “Fund It Forward”, another non-profit, Care For Others shared the cost of the testing.
J.J., Cleveland, OH
Single working woman experienced a 2-month strike at her place of employment. Unable to find work in the interim she used up savings to pay the two months rent while on strike. Now back to work, she will not get paid until halfway through the month and will not be able to cover this month’s rent on time. Care For Others paid one months rent.
M.S., Chardon, OH
Single working woman fleeing a domestic violence situation needed help with a car payment to remain independent and have transportation to her job. We paid one car payment.
J.B., Chesterland, OH
Single mom, finally getting back to full time employment after a long layoff, needed help with a rent payment to hold her over until her pay checks kicked in.
R.B. Cleveland, OH
Widowed and disabled mom on a fixed income was in need of urgent plumbing repairs for her and her teenage son because of health and safety hazards. Originally repaired with funds from a city project things quickly broke again. She was told there was no more funding to have the original plumber come back out and redo his work and she could not afford to pay for it. Care For Others brought in a licensed plumber to assess the health and safety issues and repair the plumbing.
March 2012 - Helping Hand Grant Receipients
B.H., Cleveland,OH
Single working mother lost 6 weeks of income when her employer was in a lockout strike. While looking for another job she got word she was returning to work. Although she is now back to work full time she is unable to catch up with delinquent bills because of the interruption in income. With eviction hanging over her head we assisted with one month's rent.
T.H. Chardon, OH
Retired military couple living on a fixed income needed help with an emergency vehicle repair. He still suffers from severe post traumatic stress disorder and other side effects from his time in Vietnam. His wife cares for him full time and accompanies him to his frequent visits to his local VA hospital. Having only one vehicle in the household, this repair was an absolute necessity for them to maintain their independence and well being. Working with their local United Way and our partner Preston Superstore in Burton Ohio, Care For Others assisted this couple with the vehicle repair bill.
February 2012 - Help Hand Grant Receipients
B.W. Willowwick, OH
Single working women sidelined temporarily because of surgery and follow up treatment unable to pay all her bills. We assisted with two car payments so she would not lose her only means of transportation.
M.S. Burton, OH
Senior citizen living alone and on a fixed income suffered a stroke in 2005 and more recently a broken leg. Her physical limitations have made it increasingly unsafe to manage her stairs alone. Only able to leave her home with assistance, it makes it difficult for her to get her mail, shop for groceries or access her car in an emergency. After an evaluation by the Department on Aging it was decided this woman would greatly benefit from an access ramp being installed at her home. Working with United Way and the Department on Aging, Care For Others shared to cost of the ramp.
F.F. Middlefield, OH
Senior citizen couple on a fixed income needed assistance with funding construction of an access ramp after he suffered a stroke and could no longer manipulate stairs. Along with United Way, Care For Others provided assistance for the cost of the construction materials for this project. Labor costs were provided by the applicant's local Department on Aging.
January 2012 - Help Hand Grant Receipients
M.Y. Arabi, GA
Couple burdened by the fact that she cannot work because of complications from cancer surgery causing severe debilitating pain. Trying to keep up with household expenses and out of pocket medical expenses on the husband's income alone put them in a position of not being able to make regular payments on an outstanding medical bill which had nothing to do with this present treatment. Threatening to cancel a pain treatment appointment unless paid in full and unwilling to renegotiate a more affordable payment plan we stepped in and paid this one time payment .
S.A., Stow,OH
Single working Mom lost her job in December. She quickly found another job and was eager to start the training program in January. However the death of an immediate family member necessitated her missing the training program as she had to travel out of state. The employer was gracious enough to delay her start but the lack of income for another month left her unable to pay her rent and utility bills for which she incurred shut off notices. Her housing authority worked with her on her rent payments and we paid her utility bills for her.
Wrongfully accused and recently released from prison this single man on a fixed income has been dealing with a relapse of Leukemia and the required treatment. After bouncing around from family member to family member and being told he could not live with them anymore he finally found an affordable apartment. Having nothing but needing everything he but could not afford both first month rent and the security deposit. Care For Others helped him get into his own place.